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Posts Tagged ‘Self-Help’

Relaxation technique as a way to reduce stress

In Health, Healthcare, Medicine on December 14, 2012 at 10:19 am

This will help you begin to change the way you think, feel and act.

Visit it any time you want to boost your self-belief, to relax, and to regaimmunityin control of your life and direction.

Print this page and put it above your mirror, above your bed, above your desk, anywhere you’ll see it every day.

Make time – actually schedule some time in your planner or diary to do this. It will dramatically improve your mood, attitude, and approach to life, and therefore what you get from life.

Positive suggestion and visualization, combined with deep relaxation, is an easy way to release/reduce stress.

Just going through this relaxation exercise alone will help to change and improve the way you feel. If you combine the relaxation techniques with a repeated script of positive statements, such as the ‘I am’ script below, you will begin change the way you think, and feel, and act, and all that life offers as a result.

The more you use the relaxation exercise and say or hear the script, then the greater and more sustainable will be the effect.

The time it takes to change depends on different people. Stick with it and it will become easier, more natural, more enjoyable, and it will work.


Relaxation, scripts and self-help

The use of scripts while in a deeply relaxed state is an age-old method of gaining and maintaining control over our personal feelings and behaviors.

Relaxation combined with positive ‘self-talk’ enables self-help.meditate

The use of scripts or strong statements while in a deeply relaxed state enables a ‘conditioning’ effect on our subconscious.

Changing our subconscious – our feelings and beliefs – increases our sense of calm and well-being, and also enables change in our conscious thoughts and behaviors. It’s that simple.

Some people find it easier than others to relax deeply. It comes with practice.

If you find it difficult, allow yourself more time when going through the relaxation exercise. Create or put yourself into a quiet relaxing calm environment. Shut out noise and distractions. Lie down rather than sit.

When relaxing and emptying your mind it is natural for thoughts to arise – in which case simply acknowledge them gently and let them go – visualize them floating away like a balloon into the distance. Your ability to empty your mind and relax, free from thoughts, will improve with practice.

When you practice, you will increase the ease with which you can relax, and then you will find that you no longer need such a quiet environment. You will even find that you can achieve a deeply relaxed state in quite noisy, stressful environments. Even sitting at a desk at school moments before taking an exam.

Deep relaxation alone is good for the mind and body, without the use of scripted statements. Combining deep relaxation with good positive scripts is a powerful method of achieving greater happiness and for making positive personal change.

What I’m advocating here is the use of the same basic methodology – deep relaxation, combined with repeating strong statements – to achieve powerful personal change for the good, in this case, stress reduction.

Relaxation exercise

  1. Sit or lie down comfortably. Properly comfortably. Straighten your back, put your shoulders back to open your rib-cage.
  2. Relax your shoulder muscles particularly. Relax your whole body, and empty your mind.
  3. Close your eyes (obviously open them when you need to read the next stage). Take ten deep, slow breaths. Breathe from the pit of your stomach and feel your lungs filling.
  4. Focus on your breathing. Feel it getting deeper and slower. Feel yourself relaxing and any tension drifting away.
  5. Relax your shoulders and neck again.
  6. Visualize yourself being happy, succeeding, winning, being loved, laughing, feeling good.
  7. Relax your forehead, your mouth and your eyes.
  8. Allow a gentle smile to appear on your face as you feel a calmness enter your mind.
  9. Then say (out load ideally) the words below to yourself: (Here is an example of an “I am” statement, but you can make up your own that reinforces the thoughts that are causing you stress and tension)

I am….

I am a good person.

I have integrity.

Whatever life puts before me will be useful experience that will make me stronger, wiser, and more tolerant.

I am capable of handling difficult situations.

I have great motivation. I can do this. (Envision yourself completing the task at hand and doing well)

I am successful. I have been successful before and I will continue to be successful. I deserve to be successful.

I am a hard worker for my achievements.

I am a rightful earner of my accomplishments

I am fair and just.

I am a good person. I am.





Feel Attractive Now

In Health, Healthcare, Medicine on December 3, 2012 at 11:17 am
“My hips are huge.”
“”Oh my God, I can’t be seen in a swim-suit!”
“Why only me?”
If we have low self esteem we may not like how we look or may feel unattractive.This is bad news for our self confidence. We need to think and behave differently to feel more attractive.When we suffer with low self esteem many times we create a poor body image and believe that we are unattractive or ugly- completely unable to see how attractive we are because of our lack of confidence and negative self image.What makes a person attractive and beautiful?
Attractiveness is not just about beauty, it also includes:
A beautiful smile
A great sense of humor
Why do we feel unattractive?
There are several reasons why we may feel unattractive. As I have mentioned the number one reason is poor self esteem and lack of confidence. Criticism from others can make us feel very negative and this can increase our poor self esteem and negative self image.Do you indulge in self criticism and negative self talk? This constant inner negativity can cause us feel inferior and unattractive.Many of us have suffered from abuse and this causes us to have a victim mentality and to feel unattractive because of what has happened.Many have suffered rejection in a relationship and need to deal with this or it can cause us to live in self pity.If you are in a relationship which is abusive mentally or physically you need to do something. Either end the relationship or seek help to end the abuse (counselling).
There are some things we can do today to help ourselves feel more attractive:
Start exercising – exercising will make look and feel better.
Show those pearly whites and smile more. You will feel better and others will respond to you in a positive way. You may even get a compliment that will make your day!
 Take care of yourself.
Keep yourself clean and well-groomed.
Look after your skin. You will start to glow and others will notice!
Lighten up.
Make jokes and laugh. Humor is attractive.
Talk to yourself positively.
Buy something nice to wear that will make you look better. Something that will make you appear more confident.